The University Students’ Attitudes towards the Use of YouTube Video to Enhance Listening Performance

Hartatya Novika(1*), M Arbain(2)

(*) Corresponding Author


In spite of the importance of listening in the process of EFL teaching and learning, this competency is not getting as much attention as the other ones; consequently, students are less motivated to depend on their listening comprehension as a tool to help them in the process of language learning. The main purpose of this research study is to bring out one of the World Wide Web‟s most important sites which is YouTube and show its ability to evolve listening comprehension of EFL learners. This research aims to examine the impact of blending the use of YouTube videos within the process of EFL teaching and learning. The study focuses on the university students’ attitudes towards the use of YouTube Video on their listening performance. Questionnaire are used with EFL learners at Islamic University of Kalimantan, Banjarmasin. The data are gathered and analysed in order to describe opinions from EFL learners using YouTube videos as means to enhance the learners’ listening comprehension. The findings show that learners have a positive attitudes towards the internet in general and the use of YouTube videos as a means to develop listening comprehension.  


Attitude; YouTube Video; Listening Performance

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