(1) Universitas Negeri Jakarta
(2) Universitas Negeri Jakarta
(3) Universitas Negeri Jakarta
(*) Corresponding Author
The goal in providing counseling services is to provide conditions which can help clients develop psychological strength to evaluate his behavior now, and can get that behavior now and can get behavior more effective. The process of learning to behave effectively is facilitated by creating warm counseling environment and application of various counseling procedures. To achieve this requires quality interpersonal relationships both between counselor and counselee. Counseling as a profession depicted by the counselor's appearance. A professional counselor is a figure who can present himself as a role model. Among competencies counselor, the most important thing is the personal quality of the counselor, because the counselor used as a person who must be able to display his true identity complete, precise and meaningful, and build good interpersonal relationships so that it becomes the driving force for the success of the service. Personal counselor is wrong one of them is an "instrument" that can determine positive results in counseling process, because the core of the therapeutic process in counseling is the relationship built between the counselor and the counselee. So personal qualities counselor is essential for counselors to achieve their goals optimal in the counseling process.
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