Baharudin Baharudin(1*), Ida Fiteriani(2), Sri Sukasih(3), Citra Wulan Sari(4)

(1) UIN Rden Intan Lanpung
(2) UIN Rden Intan Lanpung
(3) Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar UNNES- Semarang
(4) PGMI UIN Raden Intan Lampung
(*) Corresponding Author


The implementation of Picture Crossword Puzzle (MCP-G) media model is an alternative to making it easier for teachers to deliver durring pandemic COVID-19. MCP-B can create a more pleasant learning atmosphere and foster active student participation. This study aims to produce learning media products that can support thematic motivation and learning outcomes for fourth-grade students of MI. Product development refers to ADDIE design. The products developed are lesson plans, worksheets, learning media and motivational instruments and learning outcomes tests. The product development stages start from the initial-late analysis, student analysis, material analysis, task analysis, learning objectives analysis, method selection, format selection, expert validity, limited trials, field trials and revisions. The research data was sourced from expert validation sheets, student motivation observation sheets, teacher ability observation sheets in managing learning from the practical side and implementation of MCP-G learning media. The results show that the MCP-B model is feasible and effective to use in supporting motivation and thematic learning outcomes with the theme: "the beauty of diversity". The selection of good and appropriate learning media can make it easier for students to absorb the material presented by the teacher. This condition indicates that the learning media is very influential on learning outcomes according to educational goals. In line with that, this research can be used as an insight for teachers in developing fun and effective learning media, especially in the era of the COVID-19 Pandemic.


Learning Media; Crossword Puzzles

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