Muhammad Alfani(1*), Muhammad Hadini(2)

(*) Corresponding Author


This research uses multivariate relationship between the independent variables of service quality and consumer’s satisfaction with customer loyalty variable Citra Rasa Restourant in Banjarmasin. In digging the data were interviews, questionnaires and documentary obtained samples from 100 respondents with the accidental and purposive techniques. The Data compiled by ordinal scale from low levels, less, moderate, high and very high. To quantify the data, then the results of the questionnaire respondents rated the score to level 5. given the low level scored 1 up and very high levels were scored 5. Analysis of the data used in the statistical test using a hypothetical comparator between H0 and H1. To determine whether H0 or H1 is accepted or rejected, use the formula r product moment correlation coefficients were compared with the correlation coefficient r in the table of Pearson r., or were compared with the t account and in t table. Rated R for N as big as 100 with α = 5%. Quality of Service is seen from the 5 dimensions we call RATER include; Responsiveness, Assurance, tangible, Empathy, and Reliability. From these data The results show that the elasticity of Quality of Service to Customer‘s Loyalty is equal to +0.102 or in elastic (less than 1) and the elasticity of consumer’s satisfaction is also in elastic 0.346 too, based on elasticity is known that each of the simultaneous increase of 1% from the quality of service and consumer’s satisfaction, it will result in an increase of  0.448% Customer Loyalty, namely : 0.102% + 0.346%. With regard to the correlation coefficient (R) equal to +0.916, it can be stated that the relationship between the level of Quality of Service and Consumer’s Satisfaction is very powerful simultaneous positive with Customer’s Loyalty, meaning the more enhanced Quality of Service and Consumer’s Satisfaction simultaneously (together), then the increase Customer Loyalty. Based on the above findings, the level of Quality of Service variable, taccount of 8.792 and comparison to ttable, for 1.663 can be stated that taccount > ttable, it means that the effect of level of quality of service simultaneously is significant, then the variable taccount Consumer’s Satisfaction level of 5.883 and when compared ttable of 1.663 can be stated that taccount > ttable, it means that the effect of consumer’s satisfaction levels also simultaneously very significant, and the overall level taccount simultaneously Quality of Services and Consumer’s Satisfaction Levels for 8.792 + 5.883 = 14.675 is much larger when compared to ttable = 1.663, so H0 is rejected and H1 accepted. So it can be stated that the level of Quality of Service and Consumer’s Satisfaction is simultaneously a positive and significant influence level of Customer Loyalty. The magnitude of the influence level of quality of service simultaneously with the level of consumer’s satisfaction can be seen from the coefficient R2 terminated at 0.840, which means that for 84% level of quality of service simultaneously with the level of consumer’s satisfaction affects the level of Customer Loyalty, and the remaining 16% level only influenced Customer Loyalty by other factors.

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