Hj. Roro Rukmini Widiaswari(1*)

(*) Corresponding Author


The research objective is to identify and inventory the resource potential in the tourism sector Banjarbaru City, evaluate the tourism sector development strategy is real and which are potential, assess the development of the tourism sector within the framework of spatial current Banjarbaru City, assessing cross-sectoral coordination strategy in the development of tourism sector Banjarbaru city, and examine strategies that support the development of the tourism sector increased revenue (PAD).

The results showed that (1) The identification and inventory of existing tourism potential in Banjarbaru City spread over three districts namely Roundabout City, Circuit Ulin River, Pine Forest, Jami Mosque, Playground, and Syamsudin Noor Airport, but there are still unidentified and especially terinventarisasi attractions industry. (2) The strategy of the real development of the tourism sector which can be done by providing road infrastructure as well as the principal means of tourism, including hotels and lodging, and travel agencies. (3) Tourism Sector Banjarbaru City in accordance with the Urban Spatial divide the three areas of the city (BWK), the BWK A Banjarbaru District, Subdistrict B Platform Ulin BWK and BWK C District Cempaka. (4) The strategy of cross-sectoral coordination in the development of the tourism sector Banjarbaru City conducted between the Department of Culture and Tourism, Regional Development and Planning Agency and the Department of Revenue. (5) City tourism sector development strategy Banjarbaru supported by the regular budget of the City Tourism Office Banjarbaru that every year has increased, and funding is sourced from state and local budgets. However, revenue from tourism revenue has not reached the target, so the tourism levy revenue is not maximized its contribution to PAD Banjarbaru City.

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