Dwi Retnosari(1*), Budi Setiadi(2)

(1) Fakultas Teknologi Informasi Universitas Islam Kalimantan
(2) Fakultas Teknologi Informasi Universitas Islam Kalimantan
(*) Corresponding Author


SMA Negeri 1 Pelaihari implement supervision of students using the point system, which provides sanctions point to students violating school rules. From the accumulation of these points will be determined sanctions will be received by the students concerned in accordance with the level of sanctions specified school. Depth sanctions point applied in this school which is the first level between (25-50 points) parents / guardians of students get a call letter I, level II between (51-75 points) parents / guardians of students received a summons II, level III ( 76-90 point)
parents / guardians of students received a summons III, level IV (91-99 points) parents / guardians of students received a summons IV, level V or deadline for 100 points and the rest of the parents / guardians of students received a notification letter dismissal of students. The process of sanctioning point been carried out by different sections namely common violations monitored by the regulatory body. In this Research Report on supervision of these students will be implemented in a computerized application that no longer point calculations carried out by officers Rules of Procedure but rather automatically by the application aplikasi.Pengguna divided into two (2) levels namely Administrators and Officers Piket. Administrators have full rights to
access any existing menu in the application being preferred Piket clerk just as penginput data is a violation of the student. This application will generate a report in the form of a letter addressed to the parents / guardians of students according to provisions of the school, and other reports in the form of information on the number of students who quit because of the accumulation of points and percentage of violations Rules of Procedure.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31602/ppdu.v0i1.8114


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