Ghina Salsabela(1*), Jarkawi Jarkawi(2), Muhammad Aldi(3)

(*) Corresponding Author


All professional fields demand individual professionalism in their work, even more so in fields dealing with services. For example is the professionalism of Guidance and Counseling teachers, they must complete studies, contracts and maintain the principles where they are allowed and not allowed in the task of service and guidance. The professionalism of guidance and counseling teachers is expected to be evenly distributed, so that services throughout the country can be directed and of good quality. In Indonesia, the professionalism of guidance and counseling teachers is always demanded and updated because guidance and counseling is an applied science where there are many theories and the latest views, theories and procedures always appear. In maintaining confidentiality in the guidance and counseling process, teachers and counselees (students) must know and apply 12 principles, namely, the principle of confidentiality, the principle of volunteerism, the principle of openness, the principle of the present, the principle of independence, the principle of health, the principle of dynamism, the principle of integration, the principle of normative, the principle of expertise, the principle of transfer of hands and the principle of Tut Wuri Handayani. All of these principles are very important and reflect the professionalism of teachers in addition to achievements, certifications and others because these principles are closely and definitely found in the guidance process.

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