Ghina Salsabela(1*), Rudi Haryadi(2)

(*) Corresponding Author


Most of the stories in the Arcane: League of Legends film series tell about the main character's past trauma before having the consequences of his guilt because he accidentally killed her two friends and became a maniac who constantly terrorized the people of Peltover. The purpose of this study is to analyze 5 needs (physiological needs, the need for security, the need for love and belonging, the need for self-esteem, the need for self-actualization) the main character Powder (Jinx) in the animated film series Arcane: League of Legends. The research approach uses a humanistic approach with Carl Rogers' self-actualization theory.  Research data in the form of dialogue and behavior that contains information about the main character's psychological problems. Data collection techniques include: watching, observing, understanding dialogue and monologue carefully and recorded. The results of the research, the character Powder (Jinx) can express herself that he is able to make the city of Zaun recognized as equal to the city of Peltover despite being abandoned by his brother, killing his two friends and killing his adoptive father.  He was determined to terrorize the city of Piltover after many sacrifices and losses. Powder (Jinx) can achieve self-actualization.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31602/.v0i0.6729


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