Yuliani Yuliani(1*), Ratna Ratna(2), Raudhatul Haura(3)

(*) Corresponding Author


Nowadays, students prefer to use technology to assist them in learning a language, particularly English. There are many applications on those tools, and one of them is Google Translate. The purpose of this research is: (1) to know the English students’ perceptions towards the use of Google Translate for doing their English task, (2) to know the frequency of English students using Google Translate for doing their English task, (3) to know how far they rely on the use of Google Translate for doing their English task. The researcher used descriptive quantitative with type of survey. The population of the research was all of English students of Islamic University of Kalimantan MAB. In collecting the data used close - ended questionnaire as an instrument. Then, the researcher used Slovin formula to analyze the data. Result of analysis shows that, Google Translate is one of the learning tools that English students can use to help them with their English tasks. English students have positive perceptions toward the use of Google Translate. The students often use Google Translate and dependent on Google Translate when they are doing English task. However, students are denial if they are dependent on Google Translate.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31602/.v0i0.6722


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