Fitriyati Fitriyati(1*), Hengki Hengki(2), Yudha Aprizani(3)

(*) Corresponding Author


Interest is one of the greatest motivations and one of crucial aspect to have success learning English. In a classroom Interest must be attentioning by teacher to achieve the success of teaching and learning. Beside that classmate also have an important role. This research was conducted to known the classmates' support impact toward students' interest in speaking English and teacher's support impact toward students' interest in speaking English. This research was a qualitative research with seven participants. One English teacher, and six students of ninth grade. In collecting the research data, researcher used observation and semi-structured interview techniques. The data were analyzed in three stages. Data reduction stage, data display stage, and conclusion drawing. From the results of the research, it was found that the support (assistance, encouragement, praise, appreciated) from classmates has a positive impact on students' interest in speaking English. And teacher support provides two impacts, both positive and negative. The positive impact was a positive feeling that was felt by students when supported (assistance, guidance, and praise). However, teacher support (correction) also has a negative impact because it also emergence negative feelings of disappointment and feel failure. 


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31602/.v0i0.6718


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