Salamiyah Salamiyah(1*), Hengki Hengki(2), Supiani Supiani(3)

(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract: This narrative research aims to explore the strategies that teachers adopt in teaching vocabulary mastery in the elementary school, especially during the current pandemic period based on the experiences of two English teachers in the elementary school.  Based on semi-structured interview data, the researchers found that there were several strategies adopted by teachers in teaching vocabulary mastery in elementary school.  Some of them are teaching strategies with games and songs which no longer be adopted because the teacher lacks techniques in implementing them.  While the vocabulary teaching strategy adopted by the teacher during the pandemic is a strategy with learning videos.  Both participants used the same way of implementing the strategy in which they made learning videos or used YouTube videos discussing vocabulary subject matter.  In addition, there are implications from employing these strategies to students which have good implications for them.  This research emphases the importance of strategies in teaching vocabulary to elementary school students, especially during the pandemic by using strategies that support online learning.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31602/.v0i0.6711


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