Lisna Wati(1*), Ratna Ratna(2), Raudhatul Haura(3)

(*) Corresponding Author


The objectives of this research are to explore the use of YouTube’s video as medium for English learners in enhancing their English listening skill and to know the advantages and disadvantages toward the use of YouTube’s video to self-regulated learning in enhancing their listening skill. To reach the goal the researcher used descriptive qualitative design. Interview was used as the instrument to collect the data. The participants are the students of English Language Education Study Program at Islamic University of Islam Kalimantan Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari who used YouTube’s video for self-regulated learning in order to enhancing their listening skill. To analyze the data the researcher adopted steps of data analysis developed by Miles and Huberman. Those steps are data reduction, data display, and conclusion. The result shows that in using YouTube’s videos, the students are looking for the videos based on their interest; they use YouTube’s videos that have subtitle so when they get difficult words they can turn on the subtitle to know the meaning of it. For the advantages, they said that YouTube video is fun strategy to enhance listening skill, it can be learnt anytime and anywhere, easier to listen carefully, and viewers can replay, download, re-watched the video based on their needs. Meanwhile, for the disadvantages is just related to the personal problem like bad connection or get distracted because many videos are available.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31602/.v0i0.6708


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