Sri Melia Ramadhan(1*), Rudi Haryadi(2)

(1) ,
(*) Corresponding Author


At the beginning of the 21st century the world is rapidly changing, this rapid change is partly due to the rapid development of technology and information. But in reality many teachers are vulnerable to technological developments even though the world of education has been transformed. Fundamental changes in the character of society as happened in the 21st century certainly have implications for the characteristics of teachers. Life in the 21st century demands various skills that must be mastered by a person, various organizations are trying to formulate various kinds of competencies and skills needed to face the 21st century. However, one important thing to note is that educating young people in the 21st century cannot only be done through one approach. Teachers as educators in schools, must have the best competencies in their fields in carrying out their work. This is mainly a demand because of the advancement of human civilization and the technology in it, so that teachers become professional in carrying out their work. The 21st century learning paradigm emphasizes students' ability to think critically, be able to connect knowledge with the real world, master information and communication technology, and collaborate. Even though technology in the digital era is developing rapidly, the role of teachers and education personnel still has a central role, no matter what the concept of education is.

Teks Lengkap:



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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31602/piuk.v0i0.6702


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