Firda Rahayu(1*), Angga Taufan Dayu(2), Neneng Islamiah(3)

(*) Corresponding Author


This study was designed because of the consideration that pronunciation is always the most challenging skill faced by students, especially students of grade VII in English and the media is very helpful in improving their pronunciation skills. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine whether the movie was a good medium for improving students 'pronunciation and to find out students' perceptions of using movies as a medium in learning English pronunciation. This research took place at SMP Negeri 27 Banjarmasin in the first semester. This research was followed by 128 students. This study used a quantitative survey method, namely by distributing questionnaires. Data obtained from a questionnaire to measure student perceptions. The results showed that films were less effective in improving students' pronunciation skills. This is evidenced by the perceptual answers chosen by the students in the questionnaire. The use of movie cannot motivate and attract students' interest in learning English better. Researchers also found that students lacked a great interest in movie. This is evidenced by the students 'choices in the set of questionnaires which show the students' interest. Therefore, movies are considered as less effective media in learning English pronunciation. To complete this research, there are a number of suggestions that can be considered to make students more interested in pronunciation, as follows: 1) Researchers suggest to teachers to use animated films so that students do not get bored and look for films that arouse students' tastes in learning English, especially in improving pronunciation skills. 2) Students are expected to wisely practice more to improve their pronunciation skills. In this case, students must choose good media to train themselves in order to manage and build ideas. 3) The role of the teacher in the class is the most important thing than the others, therefore to make students more active in the class, the teacher must provide great support and motivate students. Then, it can improve their ability in pronunciation.

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