Widarto Widarto(1*), Feronika Lata Manjari(2)

(1) STIA BINA BANUA Banjarmasin
(2) STIA BINA BANUA Banjarmasin
(*) Corresponding Author


The purpose of this study is to determine the implementation of discipline and work
motivation of employees, to determine the factors that hinder the implementation of
discipline and work motivation of the employees of Vocational High School
The method used is descriptive. Data collection techniques are observations,
interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques use qualitative analysis.
The results showed that the implementation of discipline and motivation was carried
out starting from discipline on working hours and teaching schedules, motivating
teachers and education personnel with incentives, conducting surveillance internally
and externally, implementing sanctions in the form of incentive cuts. For the
implementation of motivation, it is carried out by providing a salary according to the
minimum wage, giving bonuses in the form of food allowance, overtime pay and
other incentives, adequate work facilities, career paths, awards in the form of praise.
The constraints faced in implementing discipline and motivation are the limited
number of teachers and education personnel, the quality is not optimal, the
coordination of educators and education personnel needs to be improved and the
work discipline is not maximal. Whereas alternative solutions to overcome the
constraint factor are increasing the number of permanent teachers through
appointment or through requests for assistance from Dpk PNS Teachers or
collaborating with other Public or Private Vocational Schools that have the same
curriculum, improving the quality of employees through Education and Training
conducted by the Government and Programmed Education and Training. itself,
building intensive communication through various media and creating or refining job
indicators to facilitate monitoring and evaluation.

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