Achmad Jaelani(1*), Gusti Khairun Ni’mah(2)

(1) Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Islam Kalimantan
(2) Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Islam Kalimantan
(*) Corresponding Author


Sawahan Village is one of the Transmigration villages in the Cerbon sub-district, Barito
Kuala district, South Kalimantan province. This village has a vast expanse of rice fields
and 90% of the people work as farmers. Sawahan village has an area of 5,950 ha with
productive land of 1,200 ha which is mostly in the form of peatland. The land of the
sawahan village is located near the tidal river flow containing low pH with high acidity
levels ranging from 3,5 to 4,5. Land in the area is a type of peat land (black brown), so
that not all plants, livestock and fish can grow / live except plants, fish, livestock that
can adapt to this condition. Peatlands have their own difficulties in managing them.
Some fruit plants and horticulture can live after being adapted to the condition of the
land for a long period of time but given a considerable amount of lime to overcome high
acidity and disease resistance. With this, many transmigrant farmers have difficulty in
handling the land because some species of plants and fish cannot develop properly. For
this reason a new breakthrough is needed so that this problem can be overcome and
farmers are able to plant crops, fish and livestock specific to peatlands. Some of the
results of the Uniska Agriculture Faculty trial which tried several plants that were
adaptive to the conditions of peatlands such as Kweni Anjir, Limau Kuit, Rambutan
Antalagi and Kasturi. In addition to fruit trees, there are also horticultural plants that
have been tried on these peatlands, namely long beans, purple eggplant, bitter melon,
tiyung chili (very spicy mini chili). For fish there are fragrant fish (cork) and catfish.
Whereas livestock with Alabio ducks are resistant to peatland conditions. In addition to
fruit trees, there are also horticulture plants that have been tried on these peatlands,
namely long beans, purple eggplant, bitter melon, tiyung chili. The problem in this
activity is how farmers make efforts in transmigrant areas by selecting mina plants, fish
and livestock that are suitable for cultivation on peatlands, how to cultivate mina-plants
and livestock for peatland species to get maximum results and how to pioneer marketing
efforts production so that it can really increase the income of transmigrant farmers in
Sawahan Village, Barito Kuala Regency.

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Jurnal Pengabdian Al-Ikhlas Universitas Islam Kalimantan Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjary, ISSN : 2461-0992


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