Performans Produksi Telur Dan Pendapatan Usaha Itik Alabio Petelur Dalam Pemanfaatan Bekicot Pohon Fermentasi (Achatina Sp.)

Danang Biyatmoko(1*)

(1) Program Studi Peternakan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lambung Mangkurat Jl. A. Yani Km 36 Banjarbaru 70714 Kalsel
(*) Corresponding Author


The goal of this research is to analyze the effect of tree snail fermentation performance to production and profits of Alabio ducks. This research consist of two steps, step I want to know to make TBF of achatina by fermentation process and  nutrition analyze TBF product fermentation of achatina, and step II using feeding trial TBF in Alabio duck  rations  using completely randomized design (RAL) 4 treatments and 4 replicateds, followed by DMRT test.  The treatment step II consist of : R0 = control (without TBF in rations); R1 = level 7.5% TBF in rations; R2 = 15 % TBF in rations dan R3 = 22.5% TBF in rations. Result of this research showed in Step I TBT product fermentation of achatina was safe and can increased can increasing quality of nutrition, mainly protein until  38.0 % from   30.56 %  before fermentation nutrition.  Result in Step II showed the treatment no significant increase egg production but an increase in levels of up to 22.5% TBF TBF (R3) tends to increase egg production, while the eggmass also showed no significant effect , but treatments were using TBF over 7.5% in ration that was  R3 (15%) and R4 (22.5%)  can increasing eggmass bigger than control.   The treatment showed that level of 22.5 % TBF in rations  was the biggest increasing  IOFC (Income over feed cost) about Rp. 7.316,-/kg  from selling of egg Alabio duck layer.  This research was recomendate that the treatment R3 with 22.5% TBF in ration was the best treatment to increased all the parameter and the price of formulated  ration was the lowest about Rp. 3234,-/kg. 

Kata Kunci

Achatina sp, fermentation proses, eggmass, IOFC, Alabio duck layer

Teks Lengkap:



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