Penentuan Musim Tanam dan Waktu Tanam Padi Sawah Berdasarkan Akumulasi Curah Hujan Sepuluh Hari Hitung Maju dan Mundur di Kelurahan Lempake Kota Samarinda

Bambang Supriyanto(1*)

(1) Program Studi Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Mulawarman Samarinda
(*) Corresponding Author


A method is presented to determine the onset and termination of the wet season, based on forward and backward accumulation of 10 day (decade) rainfall totals. Morris and Zandstra (1979) choose 75 mm accumulated of rainfall as the onset time for the growing season for dry seeded crops, and 200 mm accumulated rainfall for initiation of pudling (wet land preperation of rice fild)

The propose of the research is determination of planting season and time of planting low land rice (Oriza sativa Linn) at Lempake village. The research conducted from July until Setember 2012

Result of this research showed that  planting season of lowland rice begins at decade III January until decade l November and the first planting time begins Januari and second in May.

Kata Kunci

forward and backward, planting season, time of planting

Teks Lengkap:



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