(1) Program Studi Teknologi Tanaman Perkebunan, Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya
(2) Universitas Sriwijaya
(3) Universitas Sriwijaya
(4) Program Studi Teknologi Hasil Perikanan, Fakultas Peternakan, Universitas Jambi
(*) Corresponding Author
White oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) is a perishable food ingredient. The purpose of this study was to determine the total plate count in white oyster mushrooms during storage with MAP. This study consisted of two stages of the process, the first stage was sample preparation and the second stage was the analysis of the total plate count and the determination of the reaction order. The results showed that the TPC in white oyster mushrooms stored in MAP with PE plastic and the addition of 30% CO2, storage temperature of 10oC on day 0 to 10 days of storage was increase of 3.34 – 11.49 log cfu/mg. White oyster mushrooms stored for 24 hours (day 1) experienced a significant increase in TPC of 6.32 log cfu/mg. Changes in TPC of white oyster mushrooms during storage under MAP conditions at 100C tended to increase.
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Teks Lengkap:
Assemie, Anmut ; Abaya, G. (2022). The Effect of Edible Mushroom on Health and Their Biochemistry. Hindawi International Journal of Microbiology, 1–7.
Badan Standardisasi Nasaional. (2008). Metode pengujian cemaran mikroba dalam daging, telur dan susu, serta hasil olahannya. SNI 2897:2008.
Belay, Z. A., Caleb, O. J., & Linus, U. (2016). Modelling approaches for designing and evaluating the performance of modi fi ed atmosphere packaging ( MAP ) systems for fresh produce : A review. Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 10, 1–15.
Boekel, M. A. J. S. Van. (2001). Kinetic Modelling Fermentation.Pdf.
Chen, M., Cheng, J., Wu, Q., Zhang, J., Chen, Y., Zeng, H., … Ding, Y. (2018). Prevalence, Potential Virulence, and Genetic Diversity of Listeria monocytogenes Isolates From Edible Mushrooms in Chinese Markets. Frontiers in Microbiology, 9(July), 1–12.
Das, A. K., Nanda, P. K., Dandapat, P., Bandyopadhyay, S., Gull, P., Sivaraman, G. K., … Lorenzo, J. M. (2021). Edible Mushrooms as Functional Ingredients for Development of Healthier and More Sustainable Muscle Foods : A Flexitarian Approach. Molucules, 26, 1–25.
Guo, Y., Chen, X., Gong, P., Wang, R., Qi, Z., Deng, Z., & Han, A. (2023). Advances in Postharvest Storage and Preservation Strategies for Pleurotus eryngii. Food, 12(5), 12–28.
Li, D., Qin, X., Tian, P., & Wang, J. (2015). Toughening and its association with the postharvest quality of king oyster mushroom (Pleurotus eryngii) stored at low temperature. FOOD CHEMISTRY, 10(196:), 92-100.
Li, Y., Ishikawa, Y., Satake, T., & Kitazawa, H. (2014). Effect of active modified atmosphere packaging with different initial gas compositions on nutritional compounds of shiitake mushrooms ( Lentinus edodes ). Postharvest Biology and Technology, 92, 107–113.
Lyn, F. H., Adilah, Z. A. M., Nor-khaizura, M. A. R., Jamilah, B., & Hanani, Z. A. N. (2020). Application of modi fi ed atmosphere and active packaging for oyster mushroom ( Pleurotus ostreatus ). Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 23, 1–6.
Martins, S. I. F. S., Jongen, W. M. F., & Boekel, M. A. J. S. Van. (2008). The damnation of Faust. Trends Food Sci. Tech., 73(6), 364–373.
Masson, Y., Ainsworth, P., Fuller, D., Bozkurt, H., & Ibanoǧlu, Ş. (2002). Growth of Pseudomonas fluorescens and Candida sake in homogenized mushrooms under modified atmosphere. Journal of Food Engineering, 54(2), 125–131.
Oliveira, F., Sousa-gallagher, M. J., Mahajan, P. V, & Teixeira, J. A. (2012a). Development of shelf-life kinetic model for modified atmosphere packaging of fresh sliced mushrooms. Journal of Food Engineering, 111(2), 466–473.
Oliveira, F., Sousa-gallagher, M. J., Mahajan, P. V, & Teixeira, J. A. (2012b). Evaluation of MAP engineering design parameters on quality of fresh-sliced mushrooms. Journal of Food Engineering, 108(4), 507–514.
Onggo, S. B., Panadero, J., Corlu, C. G., & Juan, A. A. (2019). Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory Agri-food supply chains with stochastic demands : A multi-period inventory routing problem with perishable products. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 97, 1–19.
Pennone, V., Lehardy, A., Coffey, A., Mcauliffe, O., & Jordan, K. (2018). Diversity of Listeria monocytogenes strains isolated from Agaricus bisporus mushroom production. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 125(2), 586–595.
Rahi, D. K., & Malik, D. (2016). Diversity of Mushrooms and Their Metabolites of Nutraceutical and Therapeutic Significance. Journal of Mycology, 1–18.
Reinas, I., Oliveira, J., Pereira, J., Mahajan, P., & Poças, F. (2016). A quantitative approach to assess the contribution of seals to the permeability of water vapour and oxygen in thermosealed packages. Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 7, 34–40.
Schill, S., Stessl, B., Meier, N., Tichy, A., Wagner, M., & Ludewig, M. (2021). Microbiological safety and sensory quality of cultivated mushrooms (Pleurotus eryngii, pleurotus ostreatus and lentinula edodes) at retail level and post-retail storage. Foods, 10(4), 1–14.
Seo, D. J., & Choi, C. (2021). Antiviral Bioactive Compounds of Mushrooms and Their Antiviral Mechanisms : A Review. Viruses, 13, 1–12.
Siregar, I. M. D., Pratama, F., Hamzah, B., & Wulandari. (2020). Perubahan Mutu Jamur Tiram Putih (Pleurotus ostreatus) selama Pentimpanan pada Berbagai Suhu dan Konsentrasi CO2. 25(2), 129–138.
Siregar, I. M. D., Pratama, F., Hamzah, B., & Wulandari, W. (2023). Perubahan Kadar Air dan Susut Bobot Jamur Tiram Putih (Pleurotus ostreatus) selama Penyimpanan. Jurnal Pertanian, 14(1), 15–22.
Siyoum, N. A., Surridge, K., Linde, E. J. Van Der, & Korsten, L. (2016). Microbial succession in white button mushroom production systems from compost and casing to a marketable packed product. Ann Microbiol, 66, 151–164.
Susilo, B., Agustiningrum, D. A., & Indriani, D. W. (2016). Pengaruh Penyimpanan Atmosfer Termodifikasi (Modified Atmosphere Storage/MAS) terhadap Karakteristik Jamur Tiram Putih (Pleurotus ostreatus). AGRITECH, 36(4), 4–12.
Tejedor-Calvo, E., Garcia-Barreda, S., Sánchez, S., & Marco, P. (2020). Effect of Bacterial Strains Isolated from Stored Shiitake (Lentinula edodes ) on Mushroom. Agronomy, (10), 1–12.
Tolera, K. D., & Abera, S. (2017). Nutritional quality of Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus Ostreatus) as affected by osmotic pretreatments and drying methods. Food Science and Nutrition, 5(5), 989–996.
Ventura-Aguilar, R. I., Colinas-Leon, M. T., & Bautista-Banos, S. (2017). Combination of sodium erythorbate and citric acid with MAP , extended storage life of sliced oyster mushrooms. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 79, 437–444.
Viswanath, P., Murugesan, L., Knabel, S. J., Verghese, B., Chikthimmah, N., & Labordo, L. F. (2013). Incidence of listeria monocytogenes and listeria spp. in a small-scale mushroom production facility. Journal of Food Protection, 76(4), 608–615.
Wang, Q., Chu, L., & Kou, L. (2017). UV-C Treatment maintains quality and delays senescence of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus). Scientia Horticulturae, 225(March), 380–385.
Wei, W., Lv, P., Xia, Q., Tan, F., Sun, F., Yu, W., … Cheng, J. (2017). Fresh-keeping e ff ects of three types of modi fi ed atmosphere packaging of. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 132, 62–70.
Wrona, M., Bentayeb, K., & Nerín, C. (2015). A novel active packaging for extending the shelf-life of fresh mushrooms ( Agaricus bisporus ). Food Control, 54, 200–207.
Xu, Y., Tian, Y., Ma, R., Liu, Q., & Zhang, J. (2016). Effect of plasma activated water on the postharvest quality of button mushrooms, Agaricus bisporus. Food Chemistry, 197, 436–444.
Zhang, H., Yamamoto, E., Murphy, J., & Locas, A. (2020). Microbiological safety of ready-to-eat fresh-cut fruits and vegetables sold on the Canadian retail market. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 335(September), 108855.
Assemie, Anmut ; Abaya, G. (2022). The Effect of Edible Mushroom on Health and Their Biochemistry. Hindawi International Journal of Microbiology, 1–7.
Badan Standardisasi Nasaional. (2008). Metode pengujian cemaran mikroba dalam daging, telur dan susu, serta hasil olahannya. SNI 2897:2008.
Belay, Z. A., Caleb, O. J., & Linus, U. (2016). Modelling approaches for designing and evaluating the performance of modi fi ed atmosphere packaging ( MAP ) systems for fresh produce : A review. Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 10, 1–15.
Boekel, M. A. J. S. Van. (2001). Kinetic Modelling Fermentation.Pdf.
Chen, M., Cheng, J., Wu, Q., Zhang, J., Chen, Y., Zeng, H., … Ding, Y. (2018). Prevalence, Potential Virulence, and Genetic Diversity of Listeria monocytogenes Isolates From Edible Mushrooms in Chinese Markets. Frontiers in Microbiology, 9(July), 1–12.
Das, A. K., Nanda, P. K., Dandapat, P., Bandyopadhyay, S., Gull, P., Sivaraman, G. K., … Lorenzo, J. M. (2021). Edible Mushrooms as Functional Ingredients for Development of Healthier and More Sustainable Muscle Foods : A Flexitarian Approach. Molucules, 26, 1–25.
Guo, Y., Chen, X., Gong, P., Wang, R., Qi, Z., Deng, Z., & Han, A. (2023). Advances in Postharvest Storage and Preservation Strategies for Pleurotus eryngii. Food, 12(5), 12–28.
Li, D., Qin, X., Tian, P., & Wang, J. (2015). Toughening and its association with the postharvest quality of king oyster mushroom (Pleurotus eryngii) stored at low temperature. FOOD CHEMISTRY, 10(196:), 92-100.
Li, Y., Ishikawa, Y., Satake, T., & Kitazawa, H. (2014). Effect of active modified atmosphere packaging with different initial gas compositions on nutritional compounds of shiitake mushrooms ( Lentinus edodes ). Postharvest Biology and Technology, 92, 107–113.
Lyn, F. H., Adilah, Z. A. M., Nor-khaizura, M. A. R., Jamilah, B., & Hanani, Z. A. N. (2020). Application of modi fi ed atmosphere and active packaging for oyster mushroom ( Pleurotus ostreatus ). Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 23, 1–6.
Martins, S. I. F. S., Jongen, W. M. F., & Boekel, M. A. J. S. Van. (2008). The damnation of Faust. Trends Food Sci. Tech., 73(6), 364–373.
Masson, Y., Ainsworth, P., Fuller, D., Bozkurt, H., & Ibanoǧlu, Ş. (2002). Growth of Pseudomonas fluorescens and Candida sake in homogenized mushrooms under modified atmosphere. Journal of Food Engineering, 54(2), 125–131.
Oliveira, F., Sousa-gallagher, M. J., Mahajan, P. V, & Teixeira, J. A. (2012a). Development of shelf-life kinetic model for modified atmosphere packaging of fresh sliced mushrooms. Journal of Food Engineering, 111(2), 466–473.
Oliveira, F., Sousa-gallagher, M. J., Mahajan, P. V, & Teixeira, J. A. (2012b). Evaluation of MAP engineering design parameters on quality of fresh-sliced mushrooms. Journal of Food Engineering, 108(4), 507–514.
Onggo, S. B., Panadero, J., Corlu, C. G., & Juan, A. A. (2019). Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory Agri-food supply chains with stochastic demands : A multi-period inventory routing problem with perishable products. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 97, 1–19.
Pennone, V., Lehardy, A., Coffey, A., Mcauliffe, O., & Jordan, K. (2018). Diversity of Listeria monocytogenes strains isolated from Agaricus bisporus mushroom production. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 125(2), 586–595.
Rahi, D. K., & Malik, D. (2016). Diversity of Mushrooms and Their Metabolites of Nutraceutical and Therapeutic Significance. Journal of Mycology, 1–18.
Reinas, I., Oliveira, J., Pereira, J., Mahajan, P., & Poças, F. (2016). A quantitative approach to assess the contribution of seals to the permeability of water vapour and oxygen in thermosealed packages. Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 7, 34–40.
Schill, S., Stessl, B., Meier, N., Tichy, A., Wagner, M., & Ludewig, M. (2021). Microbiological safety and sensory quality of cultivated mushrooms (Pleurotus eryngii, pleurotus ostreatus and lentinula edodes) at retail level and post-retail storage. Foods, 10(4), 1–14.
Seo, D. J., & Choi, C. (2021). Antiviral Bioactive Compounds of Mushrooms and Their Antiviral Mechanisms : A Review. Viruses, 13, 1–12.
Siregar, I. M. D., Pratama, F., Hamzah, B., & Wulandari. (2020). Perubahan Mutu Jamur Tiram Putih (Pleurotus ostreatus) selama Pentimpanan pada Berbagai Suhu dan Konsentrasi CO2. 25(2), 129–138.
Siregar, I. M. D., Pratama, F., Hamzah, B., & Wulandari, W. (2023). Perubahan Kadar Air dan Susut Bobot Jamur Tiram Putih (Pleurotus ostreatus) selama Penyimpanan. Jurnal Pertanian, 14(1), 15–22.
Siyoum, N. A., Surridge, K., Linde, E. J. Van Der, & Korsten, L. (2016). Microbial succession in white button mushroom production systems from compost and casing to a marketable packed product. Ann Microbiol, 66, 151–164.
Susilo, B., Agustiningrum, D. A., & Indriani, D. W. (2016). Pengaruh Penyimpanan Atmosfer Termodifikasi (Modified Atmosphere Storage/MAS) terhadap Karakteristik Jamur Tiram Putih (Pleurotus ostreatus). AGRITECH, 36(4), 4–12.
Tejedor-Calvo, E., Garcia-Barreda, S., Sánchez, S., & Marco, P. (2020). Effect of Bacterial Strains Isolated from Stored Shiitake (Lentinula edodes ) on Mushroom. Agronomy, (10), 1–12.
Tolera, K. D., & Abera, S. (2017). Nutritional quality of Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus Ostreatus) as affected by osmotic pretreatments and drying methods. Food Science and Nutrition, 5(5), 989–996.
Ventura-Aguilar, R. I., Colinas-Leon, M. T., & Bautista-Banos, S. (2017). Combination of sodium erythorbate and citric acid with MAP , extended storage life of sliced oyster mushrooms. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 79, 437–444.
Viswanath, P., Murugesan, L., Knabel, S. J., Verghese, B., Chikthimmah, N., & Labordo, L. F. (2013). Incidence of listeria monocytogenes and listeria spp. in a small-scale mushroom production facility. Journal of Food Protection, 76(4), 608–615.
Wang, Q., Chu, L., & Kou, L. (2017). UV-C Treatment maintains quality and delays senescence of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus). Scientia Horticulturae, 225(March), 380–385.
Wei, W., Lv, P., Xia, Q., Tan, F., Sun, F., Yu, W., … Cheng, J. (2017). Fresh-keeping e ff ects of three types of modi fi ed atmosphere packaging of. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 132, 62–70.
Wrona, M., Bentayeb, K., & Nerín, C. (2015). A novel active packaging for extending the shelf-life of fresh mushrooms ( Agaricus bisporus ). Food Control, 54, 200–207.
Xu, Y., Tian, Y., Ma, R., Liu, Q., & Zhang, J. (2016). Effect of plasma activated water on the postharvest quality of button mushrooms, Agaricus bisporus. Food Chemistry, 197, 436–444.
Zhang, H., Yamamoto, E., Murphy, J., & Locas, A. (2020). Microbiological safety of ready-to-eat fresh-cut fruits and vegetables sold on the Canadian retail market. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 335(September), 108855.
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