Mahrawati Mahrawati(1*)

(1) STIE Palangka Raya
(*) Corresponding Author


There are quite similar reasons for debtors in selecting bank to the reasons in keeping funds. It is not merely concerning interest rate and facilities, service is also an important factor. This factor is greatly important regarding business activity between one bank and others can be said to be the same. The different thing is a matter of services.

This research is located in Mandiri Bank Palangka Raya Branch. This research aims to (1) determine and analyze the level of conformity of interest level of service elements according to customers on the performance that has been conducted by Mandiri Bank Palangka Raya Branch (2) to determine customers’ satisfaction on the services that have been given so that it can assist the Mandiri Bank performance to achieve better quality improvement through determination of main priority.

The samples are 100 customers of Mandiri Bank Palangka Raya Branch as the respondents using accidental sampling technique, the analysis used is customers’ Importance-Performance analysis. This analysis uses Cartesians Diagram divided into four quadrants. In this research, there are some main considerations by  Mandiri Bank Palangka Raya Branch namely (a) Teller attention to the customers, employee willingness to service the customers (b) Waiting time in the queue (c) existence of Mandiri ATM machine (d) Interest rate level given by the bank.

Kata Kunci

Customer Satisfaction, Importance level, Customer Satisfaction

Teks Lengkap:



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