Tasman H. Taher(1*)

(1) STIE Kuala Kapuas
(*) Corresponding Author


Representative food and beverage manufacturing business of Palangkaraya in the course of improving sales volume of product outcome is more likely to address promotion policy. At any time, national sales volume increases when such promotion policy is properly performed. On that basis, this study aimed to observe whether promotion brings any effect on sales volume. Variables of this study include promotion (X) and sales volume (Y). This study used quantitative method by using Simple Linear Regression analysis means and assisted by SPSS. By simple linear regression, it showed Y = 99303537.603 + 242.742X. b = 242.762, identifying that each promotion fee increased in IDR1, then the sales increased amounting to IDR242.762. In other words, there is an effect on sales volume. Based on the results of determination analysis, R square of determination coefficient is 50.4%. Such number suggested that promotion variable brings an effect on sales volume of 50.4%. Meanwhile, 49.6% is affected by other factors unidentified in this study. Based on the result of t test, it suggested that Hypothesis test was conducted by consulting tcalculation and ttable, where sample test = 5 and degree of freedom (5-2) = 3 at significant rate of 5% was 1.691. The value of tcalculation obtained was 5.879. tcalculation is greater than ttable (5.879 ≥ 1.691). Hence, the hypothesis that promotion cost brings an effect on Hi Lo milk sales volume in Palangkaraya is accepted.

Kata Kunci

Promotion;Sales Volume

Teks Lengkap:



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