EFEKTIVITAS KOMUNIKASI BERKELANJUTAN BUDAYA JAWA (Studi Kasus dalam Bentuk Sapaan Antaranggota Keluarga)

Ngalimun Ngalimun(1*)

(1) FKIP Universitas Achmad Yani Banjarmasin
(*) Corresponding Author


This study aims to determine the position of communication in the form of
greeting among members of the family, communication in the forms of greeting
among members of the family and the factors that led to the existence of
communication in the form of an assortment of greeting among members of the
family. This study shows that the effectiveness of ongoing communication Javanese
cultural forms and manifestations vary. Based completeness of its elements, greeting
communication among members of the family can be divided into three, namely
communication form of greeting that looks complete and incomplete, as well as the
form of communication form of address is a combination of communication forms a
complete address and communication form of address is not complete.
Based on the classification of meaning and means of communication between
family members form of address can be the name of self, kin terms, paraban,
knighted, adjective and poyokan transformation.While based on the factors that
influence communication among members of the family is a form of greeting the
participants said, the intention said, the color of emotion, the second and the third,
the tone of talk atmosphere, environment and infrastructure said said.

Kata Kunci

Communication, Javanese culture

Teks Lengkap:



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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31602/al-kalam.v3i1.682


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