Latifah Latifah(1*)

(1) Akademi Kebidanan Yapkesbi Banjarbaru
(*) Corresponding Author


This study describes systematically changes in student behavior through interpersonal communication of Islamic Education teachers at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Assalam Martapura. Focusing on changing behavior and helping teachers to implement good behavior to their students. This behavior change includes: a) Interactive involvement, this behavior change determines the level of one's participation and participation in communication with other people, including: responsiveness, perceptive attitude and attentiveness. b). Interaction management, this change in behavior helps a person be able to take useful actions for someone to achieve communication goals. c) Behavioral flexibility, this change in behavior helps a person to carry out various possible behaviors that can be taken to achieve communication goals. d) Listening, this behavior change helps someone to be able to listen to people who communicate with someone  not  only content,  but  also  the  feelings,  concerns,  and  worries that accompany it. e) Social style, this behavior change helps someone to behave attractively, distinctively, and can be accepted by those who communicate with that person. f) Communication anxiety, this behavior change can overcome fear, confusion,  and  confusion  of  thought,  body  shaking,  and  stage  fright  that appears in communicating.

Kata Kunci

student behavior change, PAI teacher interpersonal communication

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