Sanusi Sanusi(1*)

(1) Program Pascasarjana Ilmu Komunikasi Uniska Banjarmasin
(*) Corresponding Author


The trend of the number of Covid-19 sufferers is increasing day by day, on the other hand the

government with various programs has been very maximal, how can together with the people be free  from  this  pandemic. In  South  Kalimantan,  a province  where  the  percentage  of  people exposed to Covid-19 is 0.17%, almost 3 times the national average, only 0.09%. The level of compliance and understanding of health protocols that are not understood by the community is because of ineffective handling communication.

This study used observational methods and purposive deep interviews with informants to 60

Neighborhood Association who distributed cash social assistance to people affected by Covid-19 in South Kalimantan. Other data was collected through a publication conducted by the Covid-19

Emergency Alert Task Force for South Kalimantan Province from March 30, 2020 to September

1, 2020.

The communication program does not run smoothly between policy holders and the community. Part of the coordination between the central and local governments is not going well. The constraint on the number of Indonesian people is very large and quite wide spread, causing different perceptions, some even are antipathy to government policies. The cooperation and involvement of community role models who have many followers is less clear. Awareness of togetherness to maintain mutual health and the spread of the Covid-19 virus has not been evenly distributed, as well as various terms that are not easily understood properly, are difficult to apply. Likewise, the provision of cash social assistance, which was not balanced with education on the importance of maintaining health protocols and various sanctions, actually resulted in a counterproductive  situation.  Various  communication  programs  have  not  fully  been  able  to change people's behavior, they need to be evaluated immediately so that they are more effective in handling Covid-19.

Kata Kunci

communication, behavior change in the Covid-19 pandemic community, South Kalimantan

Teks Lengkap:



https://nationalgeographic.grid.id/read/132059249/who-tetapkan-covid-19, diakses 2 April

jam 13:02

https://bnpb.go.id/berita/presiden-tetapkan-Covid-1919-sebagai-bencana-nasional, diakses 28 April 2020 jam 12:01

tribunnews.com. diakses 25 Juli 2020 jam 17:42

Disetujui Kemenkes, Banjarmasin Akan Mulai Terapkan PSBB Awal Ramadhan., diakses 1 Mei 2020, jam 15:31

PSBB di Banjarbaru-Banjar-Batola Serentak Dimulai Sabtu 16 Mei, diakses 19 Mei

, jam 18:15

Baran, S.J. (2011). Theories of mass communication. Introduction to mass communication. California, Amerika: McGraw Hill.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31602/al-kalam.v8i2.5300


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