Hj. Roro Rukmini Widiaswari(1*)

(*) Corresponding Author


The research objective is to determine (1) the development impact of the South Ring Road In Urban Spatial Banjarmasin, (2) control of the city due to spatial development in the Ring Road South in the District of South Banjarmasin, and (3) spatial use by the construction of Ring Road South in the development of the District of South Banjarmasin.

The results showed that (1) Construction of Ring Road in the South have an impact on various aspects of urban life, especially to meet the demands of mobility in urban infrastructure development to support the planning and development of Urban Spatial Banjarmasin, (2) Control of Urban Spatial due to construction of Ring Road in southern performed with a variety of approaches, namely: a. directed to the area of town that is still relatively undeveloped so it will be able to serve a variety of socio-economic needs of the surrounding community, b. done in order to reduce the movement pattern (mobility) that leads to the city center as the center of activity; c. intended to control activities such as shopping or major urban 'window shopping' to be a very relaxing activity supports the development of urban tourism; d. Spatial done to control the city of Banjarmasin, since the implementati-on of the construction has been referred to the growth of other activities are nearby and were directed to the area of town that is still relatively undeveloped. (3) Utilization of space due to the construction of the Ring Road area of South In the development of the District of South Banjarmasin, carried out in the form of road construction and improvement of the road on Jalan Gatot Subroto Ruas - Location - South Rim and the construction of a bridge, the bridge Pemurus Sei, Sei Bridge Belayung chisel, Sei Lemons Bridge, and Bridge Sei Bagau (Sei Kelayan) with access to the South Ring Road to the west to Port Trisakti Banjarmasin which is located in the district of the West and to the East to the District Liang Anggang Banjarbaru located in the city.

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