Ratna Ratna(1*)

(*) Corresponding Author


Speaking is a complex process that includes an interaction between the speaker and listener to communicate meaning. In teaching speaking, there are some important points have to master by the lecturer. A good lecturer must be able to create enjoyable activities to avoid students’ boredom. Besides, the lecturer also should create variant teaching techniques to increase students’ motivation in learning. So the teaching goals can be attainable.

This study is aimed at three main purposes: (1) to know the students’ responses on the imple-mentation of teaching speaking at the third semester of English department of FKIP UNISKA, (2) to know the students’ responses on the techniques used by the lecturer in teaching speaking, (3) to know the students’ speaking achievement. 

Then, the design of this study was survey by using descriptive quantitative method. The study was carried out in a population of 125 students at the third semester of English department of FKIP UNISKA. A cluster random sampling was done to select three classes out of the six classes. There were 54 students were included in the analysis.

The data collection involved two kinds of instruments, namely questionnaire and test. Questionnaire was distributed to know the students’ responses on the implementation of teaching speaking and the techniques used by the lecturer in teaching speaking. Test was done twice to know the students’ speaking achievement. 

To achieve the three purposes of the present study, the data were analyzed by using simple statistical analysis. The result of questionnaire shows that more than 50% of the students choose very good option on the implementation and techniques used by the lecturer in teaching speaking. While the result of test analysis found that the mean score is 77.9 and the mode score is 80. From the result of data analysis, it turned out to confirm that the students’ response on the implementation and techniques used by the lecturer in teaching speaking is very good. Besides, the students’ speaking achievement is categorized well.

Based on the findings, it is then recommended that in teaching speaking the lecturers have to use variant techniques. Besides, the lecturers also have to know well the kinds of qualities that have to master by them. Then to develop the students’ speaking achievement, the lecturers have to know factors affecting second language learning. Moreover, it is recommended that further studies can be conducted with larger population and sample and it is not only from morning regular class but also from evening regular class. 

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