Muhammad Noor Ifansyah(1*)

(*) Corresponding Author


Increasing the effectiveness of poverty alleviation and job creation, the government launched the Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (PNPM) started in 2007. Through PNPM involve elements of society, ranging from planning, imple-mentation, monitoring and evaluation. Through a process of participatory development, critical awareness and self-reliance, especially the poor, can be nurtured so that they are not the object but the subject of efforts to reduce poverty. Decentralization of decision-making is giving credence to the poor to participate in order to decide all matters related to the implementation of PNPM Mandiri. With early involvement of target groups in decision-making, is expected to motivate them to effectively manage their productive efforts. But the decision must still refer to the requirements in the guide book PNPM Mandiri. This study is a survey research. There are two types of data needed in this study is secondary data and or primer. Decentralized Decision-making of member LKM/BKM large enough to contribute to the PNPM Mandiri, but still not up is involvment in setting channeling system to third parties for planning and goal unclear direction, decided to make the accountability report all activities, way of refund development outcomes of environmental, social, and economic nature of economic value, decide and set priorities activities. This it can be said that there is a significant effect between the role of the Institute of Public Self-reliance from the aspects of the Effectiveness of Decentralized Decision-Making in PNPM Urban District Tabalong.


Kata kunci : desentralisasi, pengambilan keputusan

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