IJPGM: International Journal of Public Governance and Management

IJPGM: International Journal of Public Governance and Management is a platform for disseminating, developing, and facilitating research in the field of Public Governance and Management Administration. It serves as a forum for lecturers, researchers, students, and practitioners in areas such as Human Resource Management, Public Governance, Public Policy, Socioeconomics Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, State Administrative Law, Strategic Management, and Islamic Issues related to public management. The journal aims to foster the exchange of information and the latest research findings from both Indonesia and internationally. It is published by the Graduate Program (Pascasarjana) under the supervision of the UPT Publication and Journal Management, Islamic University of Kalimantan. The journal holds an e-ISSN of XXX-XXX and is published biannually, in June and December.

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Vol 1, No 1 (2024)

Full Issue

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Table of Contents

Zinaida Zhayvko, Volodymyr Panchenko
Zakky Zamrudi, Mardiana Mardiana, Khuzaini Khuzaini, Decky C. Kananto Lihu
Muhammad Uhaib As'ad, Sanusi Sanusi, Yolanda Sukma Rahmawati Pattipeiluhu
Budi Setiawati, Normajatun Normajatun, Murakhman Sayuti Enggok, Halimatus Sa’diyyah, Roro Rukmini Widiaswari
Risma Mutia, Ana Zuraida, Gusti Khairun Ni’mah
Muhammad Uhaib As'ad, Sadia Saleem, Macario G Gayeta, Serkan Dilek
Zinaida Zhayvko, Tetiana Holovach, Muhammad Uhaib As'ad, Edward Aspinal
Wahyu Adhitya, Lieta Dwi Novianty, Junaidi Junaidi