Rima Cahaya Febrina(1), nasrullah - -(2*), Elsa Rosalina(3), Inayati Fitriyah Asrimawati(4)

(1) Lambung Mangkurat University
(2) Lambung Mangkurat University
(3) Lambung Mangkurat University
(4) Lambung Mangkurat University
(*) Corresponding Author


One of indicators that marked individual differences in Second Language Acquisition is learning style. Individuals have been cognitively described as field independent and field dependent, according to whether they approach things in details or holistically. However, there is not enough study that discusses the relationship between field independence-dependence and success in language learning. This study aims to explore the influence of field independence-dependence on second language learning success. The method used in this study is a literature review. The data are collected from previous journal articles using thematic analysis. The expected findings of this study are there may be a cognitive style bias operating in relation with second language learning success. Hopefully this study contributes as additional knowledge of that particular topic in the field of Second Language Acquisition


Field dependence; field independence; second language acquisition

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