Aulia Hanifah Qomar(1*), Fenny Theresia(2), Vina Pandu Dermayanti(3)

(1) Muhammadiyah University of Metro, Lampung, Indonesia
(2) Muhammadiyah University of Metro, Lampung, Indonesia
(3) Muhammadiyah University of Metro, Lampung, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


The purpose of this study is to improve students’ vocabulary by using JOOX application. In the Pre-Test result, the students who got score ≥ 13 were 21.88%, otherwise 79.12% were under achievement students. Then, the students who got score ≥ 13 in Post-Test 1 were 81.25% while 19.75% student got score < 13. Furthermore, in Post-Test 2 result all the students (100%) got score ≥ 13. The use of the JOOX application media in teaching and learning process can improve the students’ activity in the classroom, the students’ activities in cycle 1 were categorize into fair category. The students’ activities was 66% (get score 33 of the 50 maximal score). Then, in cycle 2 it could be seen that the students’ activities were categorize into good category. The students’ activities was 80% (get score 40 of the 50 maximal score). It is indicated that the students’ vocabulary mastery could improve significantly after the treatment applied in the teaching and learning process.


JOOX Application, Song, Vocabulary.


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