(1) Studi di Madrasah Aliyah Tebuireng Salafiyah Jombang, Madrasah Syafi’iya Aliyah Nurul Jadid Paiton Probolinggo dan Madrasah Aliyah Darussholah Jember
(*) Corresponding Author
Educational success is only measured by cognitive domain, and barely measured from affective and
psychomotoric domains, thus fostering character and moral are neglected. There are many young
people, pupils and students that can not be expected to become the good skill of human resources
but they are to be a burden of development. The aim of this research is to formulate a conceptual
model of educational management of character development. The research method is descriptive
method. Locations of the research are MA Salafiyah Syafiiyah Tebuireng Jombang, MA Nurul Jadid
Paiton Probolinggo and MA Darusshulah Jember. The procedure of this research through three
phases: orientation studies, general exploration and exploration centered. In this study the
researcher herself as a key instrument in collecting primary data and secondary data. Techniques of
data collection through: in-depth interviews, participant observation and documentation studies.
The research results showed that the planning is done to internalize the character values in the
formulation of the vision, mission, objectives, syllabus and lesson plans and the entire program of
activities that lead to the formation of character. Organizing done through the delegation of tasks
based on skill and profession of each teacher in various seminars, MGMP and workshops.
Implementation of education are implemented integratedly among intra-curricular activities, extracurricular
and pesantren activities. The strategy emphasizes the exemplary education, habituation
and parenting. The principles taught in instilling character are through the process of knowledge
(knowing), do (doing) and finally to familiarize (habituation). Assessment is done through program
assessment, process and outcome. Output generated the character of learners. The Conclusion are;
The success of the MA in planting character values can not be separated from the role of kyai,
institutional leaders and chaplains (ustadz) in providing role models and guidance to the learners
to put it mildly solely seek the blessing of Allah, besides influenced by education management
development of good character, and values of best practices developed in pesantren through
habituation life or ro'an mutual cooperation, brotherhood, freedom of thought, simplicity of life,
independence and akhlakul karimah. Recommendations to the pesantren leaders, headmaster,
teachers and education to continuously improve the development of character education
management better. To the head of the government it is time to give attention to a balanced and fair
MA significantly assisted pesantren has managed to produce graduates who are more character
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Universitas Islam Kalimantan Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari
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