Penerapan Konseling Rasional-Emotif Perilaku pada Peserta Didik dengan Perilaku Agresif: Sebuah Studi Kasus
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The aim of this research is to examine in depth students who have aggressive behavior at Mts Negeri 2 Pontianak. The case subjects in this research were two students in grades VII and VIII who had symptoms of aggressive behavior at school. This research uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach in the form of a case study. The data collection techniques used were observation, interviews and documentation. Meanwhile, data analysis uses case study steps which include problem elimination, diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, evaluation and follow-up. In providing treatment, researchers used a counseling model to treat two students who had aggressive behavior, namely using the REB counseling model. Based on the research results, changes were seen in the subjects of cases I and II after being treated four times. Changes were seen in the subjects of cases I and II in terms of their cognitive, emotional and social behavior. In the cognitive aspect, the case subject understands and knows about the impact of aggressive behavior so that it can be a reminder to avoid aggressive behavior, from the emotional aspect, the case subject tries to control emotions to avoid aggressive behavior, and in the social behavioral aspect, the case subject has a better scope of friendship. from the previous. It is recommended for future researchers to use home visit data collection techniques so that the causal factors and results of providing assistance can be seen as a whole from the school environment and family environment.
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