PENGARUH LITERASI DIGITAL KEUANGAN DAN EFIKASI KEUANGAN TERHADAP PERILAKU INVESTASI (Studi Kasus Pada Mahasiswa Magister Manajemen Universitas Islam Kalimantan Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjari Banjarmasin)

Akbar Barito Putra(1*), Rahmi Widyanti(2), Husnurropiq Husnurropiq(3)

(1) Program pascasarjana Magister Manajemen UNISKA MAB Banjarmasin
(2) Program pascasarjana Magister Manajemen UNISKA MAB Banjarmasin
(3) Program pascasarjana Magister Manajemen UNISKA MAB Banjarmasin
(*) Corresponding Author


The purpose of this study is to 1. To find out and analyze financial digital literacy partially
influence the investment behavior of students of Master of Management Study Program class 2020. 2.
To find out and analyze financial efficacy partially influence investment behavior of Master of
Management Study Program students of class 2020. 3 To find out and analyze the influence of
financial digital literacy and financial efficacy simultaneously on the investment behavior of students
of the 2020 Master of Management Study Program.
Research design is qualitative research. The population in this study were 78 respondents.
Sampling using the slovin 0.05 formula resulted in a total of 65 respondents. With purposive sampling
technique. The data collection technique used a questionnaire as many as 35 question items with a
scale of 1 to 5 and tested with validity and reliability data. Technical analysis of data to answer the
hypothesis using the SPSS 26.0 application. With the technique of multiple linear regression analysis.
The results of the study can be concluded that digital financial literacy has a partial effect on
investment behavior with a t-count value of 2.136 > a t-table value of 1.999 with a significance value
of 0.036 (sig <0.05) and financial efficacy partially affects investment behavior by the t-count value is
6.337 > the t-table value is 1.999 with a significance value of 0.000 (sig <0.05) and has a significant
effect on investment behavior of students of the 2020 Master of Management study program with a
significant level of 0.000 (sig <0.05). Thus it can be interpreted that the independent variables include
financial digital literacy and financial efficacy simultaneously and significantly affect the dependent
variable, namely student investment behavior.

Kata Kunci

Digital Financial Literacy, Financial Efficacy and Investment Behavior

Teks Lengkap:



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