Erna Suriyani(1*), Muhammad Erfa Redhani(2)

(1) Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Achmad Yani Banjarmasin
(2) Fakultas Hukum Universitas Lambung Mangkurat Banjarmasin
(*) Corresponding Author


This research aimed to know how the community participated in household waste
management in Antasan Besar urban village, Central Banjarmasin Subdistrict. The type of research
method used is descriptive research with a qualitative approach, while data collection was
performed through observation, documentation, questionnaires, and interviews.
The results showed that people's participation in household waste management was quite good
given how they disposed of their waste. Most people have thrown garbage in temporary landfills
(TPS), although there is still a small percentage of residents who throw garbage carelessly in the
neighborhood and the river, or even burn it even though there have been some regulations. Their
participation is quite good in gotong royong activities to clean the environment, but their initiative
to invite other residents to clean is still low. Participation in sorting organic and non-organic waste
and recycling waste is still low. They do not recycle because they do not know and understand how
to recycle. In contrast, their participation in reusing goods for another use is quite high.
Participation in giving suggestions and opinions to local governments regarding waste management
is still very low. The main obstacle for the community in Antasan Besar sub-district in overcoming
the problem of household waste is the infrastructure, namely the absence of public trash cans, the
distance from the temporary waste disposal site from the residence, and the short schedule for
waste disposal.
The best step to take is to start waste management from each household, and to facilitate it, it
is recommended to the authorized agency or community group to carry out activities: 1).
Counseling on the negative impact of burning household garbage and disposing of waste carelessly
in residential areas or rivers; 2). counseling on the need for waste recycling, reusing/upcycling
trash, and sorting organic and non-organic waste 3). carrying out learning skills of recycling and
composting waste for the community; 4). assisting in the fulfillment of infrastructure facilities,
especially organic and non-organic waste bins, 5) socialization of Banjarmasin City Regional
Regulation No. 21 of 2011 on The Management of Land / Cleanliness and Sanitation, including the
prohibitions and sanctions in the regulation.

Kata Kunci

participation, management, waste.

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