Devi Rusvitawati(1*)

(1) STIMI Banjarmasin
(*) Corresponding Author


Hospitals should be able to provide services that meet the expectations of patients so that they are interested to take advantage of these services. Improving the service quality must be accompanied by the performance improvement of its employees. Employees’ job performance is formed of standardized human resources quality and it is related to the competency. This study aims to identify and to analyze the influence of achievement and action competency, helping and human services competency, impact and influence competency, managerial competency, cognitive competency, and personal effectiveness competency on employees’ job performance in Sari Mulia Hospital Banjarmasin. There were 310 employees in Sari Mulia Hospital Banjarmasin as the population of the study. Probability sampling with proportional sampling technique was employed as the sampling technique. Data were collected by distributing questionnaires to the samples of 173 employees in Sari Mulia Hospital Banjarmasin. The collected data were analyzed using multiple regressions. Based on the findings of the research, it was found that each variable of competencies influence employees’ job performance in Sari Mulia Hospital Banjarmasin.

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