Kamariah Kamariah(1*), Ngalimun Ngalimun(2)

(1) STIKIP PGRI Banjarmasin
(2) AKPARNAS Banjarmasin
(*) Corresponding Author


The purpose of this research is to study the structure and function of the Banjar regional
songs. Besides carrying out the mission of revitalizing Banjar culture which has begun to
become extinct along with the times. This research uses descriptive method so the results of this
study are the results of research on Banjar by H. Anang Ardiansyah. For accurate and
understandable analysis data, this study uses an objective method, which is based on the literary
work itself. This method is expected to reveal the form and function contained in the Banjar
The structure of the Banjar song by H. Anang Ardiansyah can be changed into two,
namely the repetition of parts and repetition with changes. Bait full repeat loop. Repetition with
the changes requested in the repetition of feedback in the first few lines is the same, but in
several lines after the change in feedback. This research also succeeded in formulating four
functions of the Banjar song, namely the function of educating or helping, entertaining,
criticizing, and expressing feelings.

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