Noorlaily Maulida(1*), Periyadi Periyadi(2), Junaidi Junaidi(3)

(*) Corresponding Author


The main objective in this study is to examine and analyze how the influence of
human resource development consisting of, recruitment , training, career development,
compensation, promotion of position on company performance.
This research was conducted with a qualitative method and using the SWOT analysis
as a data analysis tool. The object of this research is PT. Pribumi Citra Megah Utama, which
runs its businesses such as hotels, shopping centers, housing, financing and mining in South
Kalimantan. Data that has been tested for its credibility with the triangulation technique of
data sources, is then analyzed descriptively using the help of a data analysis model
developed by Miles and Huberman. Miles and Huberman made a model of data analysis
consisting of three stages, namely: data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing.
Based on the results of research it can be found that the human resource management
strategy plan to increase the productivity of employees of PT. Pribumi Citra Megah Utama
is a business partner model strategy because this strategy has several advantages, namely the
existence of several strengths in the company that can be used to take advantage of several
opportunities and face several threats to the company. The methods carried out by PT.
Pribumi Citra Megah Utama is to Reinforce and tighten company regulations which include
working hours, employee responsibilities, work completion, accuracy of work completion.

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