Achmad Jaelani(1*), Neni Widaningsih(2), Muhammad Firman(3)

(*) Corresponding Author


Breeding ducks Alabio not be separated from the activities of the hatch, but the
productivity in generating Day Old Duck (day old ducklings) on hatching activity remains
low. This is due to some problems in the hatchery that often the death of the electricity so
that the temperature and humidity of the incubator is not constant during hatching. This will
affect the duck embryonic development. Besides, reversal and provision of high humidity is
still done manually so that the eggs are often removed from the incubator. Reversal of eggs
is essential to prevent embio attached to the shell. South Kalimantan is a tropical region
with year-roundsunshine. It can be stored to be utilized as a source of energy through the
conversion of solar energy into heating the incubator. Aside from the use of solar energy
becomes a substitute for the electricity and can last up to 15 years without having to pay
subscription fees and usage of electricity. Solar power conversion technology can overcome
the limitations of the heater in the incubator in the District Peat Banjar district, in addition
to the modifications to the reversal of eggs and automatic sprayer. With this expected
productivity hatchery to produce DOD will be higher. Yet another obstacle arises when
DOD high productivity being offset by marketing efforts. For that partners business group
sales of poultry Setia Budi prepared to be a partner in marketing the Day Old Duck (DOD),
which previously only market the consumption of duck eggs. Measuring the success of this
activity is to look at the operation of the incubator solar power during the 28 days prior to
hatching without any outages, as well as the percentage of eggs that hatch, number of DOD
that hatch in a healthy condition, business analysis more efficient hatching and the number
of DOD that could be marketed.

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Jurnal Pengabdian Al-Ikhlas Universitas Islam Kalimantan Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjary, ISSN : 2461-0992


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